Tools challenge
2020 – to today
Here is a board Trello where you will find all my programming challenges displayed as each were a tile in a JIRA. You will also find many examples of my expertise as each column represent a epic, the priority order is from left to right and top to bottom.
Snow Fight short film
2020 – to today
The project Snow Fight was a challenge between friends to produce a short film that would push each other’s competences to the maximum. The project uses outsourcing to cover all the different roles we could not complete ourselves. This project includes an animator, an Unreal technical integration artist, and me as project manager and pipeline TD. The Trello represents the creative pipeline of the project. You can find the inspirations, each steps of productions from left to right. The current project estimate is a minimum of three years.
Plastic recycling initiative
September 2019 – July 2020
The project start to evaluate if it would be possible to import an idea from Precious Plastic in Holland to improve the plastic recycle industry in Québec. As part of the project, I had to talk with composite material specialist, experts on recycling centres, and complete a market analysis. My conclusion for the project is that it is too high risk to implement quickly without the help of heavy machineries to transform the plastic into 100% purified recast plastic. The expert have told me that the impurity of the plastic creates a greater chance of breakage and to cause damage for the client’s product. For these reasons, the projects has been stopped and put aside for now. The project gave me the chance to do a market analysis and to understand each steps related to the cost and consequences of the sale strategy of selling a product.
Little Knight of Everyday
2018 – to today
Little Knight of Everyday est un concept de jeu mobile pour jeune développer pour me permette de conserver mes compétences dans Unity et me pousser a réaliser un jeu narrative et multi-joueur. Inspiré du concours Ubisoft que j’ai passer dans le passer le projet présente 2 personnages avec des habilité atypique, le jeu veux être offert en joueur solo et a 2, le but était de réaliser un jeu qui se joue en wifi local sur téléphone mobile. Le projet présente plusieurs tableau Trello, dont le plus complet qui présente les mécanique de jeu, l’inspiration, le début de la réalisation du monde réaliser en maya et Unity.
Philosophy of documentation creation
My documentation philosophy is high level documentation written with high level technical language, mixed with images and gif or small explanatory video that helps the artist better understand the technology.
Past experience was to understand the frustration of artists who reserved patronizing material until they did not understand what was reading. After having tested this method in my experience for SEPAQ, at Ludia and at Digital Dimension, I realize that this documentation model is strongly appreciated by using them all over the place. This makes it easier for people to understand visually. In addition, it allows a step by step formula of reproduction to explain well.
In my job as a Sépaq team leader, I redid the new employer’s guide, which summarized the introduction to all the new ones for the scenarios found in the park, which explained each situation. Even more complex situations advise the more experienced employee, in this way the guide was useful even to the former in case of doubt. At Ludia, I did documentation for each technical process used in the artistic team in relation to unity and perforce using confluence. At digital dimension I made the foundation of the first documentation of the animation team which presents all the working tools, the stages when it integrates the team, which presents the projects, the frequently asked questions (FAQ).
Technical skills assessment.
My philosophy at this level is to create a grid for each team that assesses the technical and artistic skills of each employee. In this way, we create a grid of expectations of a junior, intermediate, senior in the team, during follow-up with the employee it is possible with this grid to work with their career objective to achieve these objectives and this allows better target targeted training for the team for better personal development of the team.